CakePHP Controller

This is a baby model of controller of CakePHP.


class SampleController extends AppController {
    public function index(){
        //don't use View
        $this -> autoRender = false;
        $this -> redirect("./other");
        // address is same but user is redirected to other

    public function other(){
        $this -> autoRender = false;
        echo "<html><head></head><body>";
        echo "<h1>Sample Page</h1>";
        echo "<p>This is sample page.</p>";
        echo "</body></html>";

Pass values to another page.
URL becomes http://localhost/cake/sample/other/hoge/gege/123
This URL is more beautiful than GET method. I checked this process using firebug. However, there was not any POST nor GET method. It means that CakePHP creates page beforehand, I guess.

//App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class SampleController extends AppController {
    public function index(){
        $this -> autoRender = false;
        $this -> redirect("./other/hoge/gege/123");
    public function other($a, $b, $c){
        $this -> autoRender = false;
        echo $a ."<br />";
        echo $b ."<br />";
        echo $c;
